Thursday, September 8, 2005

ouchy- wawa. my body hurts like hell. it hurts when i walk, when i laugh and even when i try to just do nothing and sit in front of the computer. the right side's like probably paralysed or something. man, you should see me walk to school today. i was limping all the way. like a total retard. see, that is the consequence for not attending tennis practices for the past 5 weeks and for trying to squeeze in 4 hours of training to make up for it. sigh. but tennis yesterday was super fun!! we played triples, like doubles but with 3 on each side. i was on the winning side so obviously i felt like i could go on for another 4 hours. i felt great yesterday. energy level was higher than usual, and so was my stamina. so much for unfound strength. this morning i woke up to body aches all over, from my stomach to my back to my butt to my arms and to my legs. it sucks. and the pain seems to circulate over to the right side of my body. sheesh.

econs test today was super hard. it was like ten times worse than summer test. i couldn't finish my essays on time cause i thought we just had to choose one question and only that. after like 45 minutes stil on the part a of qns 1, i just realised that i had to complete qns 2 part a and b as well. i don't have the habit of reading instructions. maybe i should start doing so. i didn't even do 2b. can you imagine me trying to rush my essay when my body was giving way. my palms started to sweat so i couldn't get a good grip of the pen. damn crappy.

i'm getting an f grade again. maybe the school should start awarding me for the most number of Fs consecutively in a year. trust me, my econs got f written all over ever since the subject was taught in march for the first time. i hate econs.

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